JoopeA in iBridges 2016

We can name iBridges one of the most successful conferences that connects Iranians to high tech organizations in the world. It has started small, but as today, it has participants from more than 40 countries which more than one fifth of them comes from Iran. Regarding to official statistics, 200 entrepreneurs and more are participating to attract 50 funders from LA to get supporting for their projects.

This year iBridges has been held in Barcelona, Spain from seven to ten December.

Raham Rafiee from JoopeA foundation participates in the conference. JoopeA is providing projects such as JAssist for people in restricted countries which can be helpful for small organizations and startups in Iran.

If your project needs online assistance such as SSL Certificates, VPS, secure emails, etc and you are looking for free services, please contact Raham at [email protected] or follow him on twitter.

Looking forward to be in touch.