Red Dot Project Intro

red dot project

Are you living in a restricted country under censorship rules? Yet, you want to increase knowledge in your language, write articles about the situation, have an small news blog or even have your online poems notebook?

Red Dot Project is for you.

We offer free hosting and web-service such as building a website to individuals and small groups.

Get in touch with us for more information: [email protected]

If you would like to donate to the project, click here.

Why there is no “Private” section on JoopeA platforms?

We take security very serious. There is no doubts about it. This is why we double check everything from security view point. We have two high tech security advisers who are from top 10 security advisers, partners with Google and Facebook, etc. Qurium who host our platforms on their servers and Cure53 a group of pen-test company. Additionally, we put our platforms in Hacker One a group of white hackers for security audits.

But what take us to that point to make every section on our websites public? what logic is behind this?

We believe “Private” is an illusion when it comes to online life. Everything marked as “Private” is being watched by website owners, ad companies, artificial intelligence, hackers and even NSA!

So, it’s up to you what you share online. But when you shared it, it’s all over the internet and you can’t stop it.

We believe if we keep every section public, it will give us a better and more realistic view. It will alert us about the content we want to share every time.

“This is Public! Watch your steps.”

The bottom line is, we keep everything open to public to make ourselves to be more careful. We give everybody the same right to see our activities and not only Google authorities, hackers or NSA agents. This way we can be more cautious and serious about security.

JoopeA Group