JoopeA has been chosen as one of the LGBTIQ Rights headliners

True Colors 2018

On Sunday, January 28th, Amsterdam was hosting the annual True Colors event. the COC Nederland organized this annual event this year for the sixth time with participants from more than two thousand Queer Rights Activists from more than three hundred different organizations.

In the past years, known members of the COC or reputed politicians started the ceremony. But this year True Colors started with delegates from six organizations. Those organizations were selected as the headliners of Queer Rights in The Netherlands. The selection was based on their influence in The Netherlands and their mission.

We are very glad that JoopeA was among those six. The other selected organizations were: “Pos en Proud” in support of HIV positive LGBTIQs, “Roze 50+” supporters of queers who are older than 50, “Gerda Kreeft” supporters of deaf queers, “Expreszo” a publisher with more than thirty years of experience which has been running by teenage and young queers and “Trans United” which supports transgender people in The Netherlands.

JoopeA Foundation held IranPride in The Netherlands for the first time in 2017. This event was the biggest gathering of Iranians with different ethnicities, political opinions, genders and sexual orientations in support of Human Rights of LGBTIQ people. Additionally, JoopeA’s members who have a long history as human rights defenders are part of the founders and organizers of IranPride day in 2010. Iran Pride day is the last Friday of July and is being celebrated since 2010.

COC chose JoopeA as one of the most progressive groups regarding Queer Rights in The Netherlands and one of the headliners, because of the importance and difficulty of JoopeA’s activities which increases acceptance and tolerance for LGBTIQ people in societies such as Iran.

Here are some pictures from the ceremony:


JoopeA; The Free World
Image by

About JoopeA Foundation

JoopeA, is a not-for-profit foundation on the field of Human Rights by focusing on LGBTIQ Rights & Internet Freedom. This group has been established in 2009 (1389) with cooperation and participation of number of queer bloggers, queer practitioners, Human Rights activists…


Happy New Year 2025 from JoopeA Foundation, numbers on Green Fir Branches and holiday ornaments on festive red background.

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Dec 31, 2024
Balloons showing number 10 ten placed on red background represents JoopeA's 10yrs anniversary.

Celebrating the 10th Anniversary

Oct 13, 2024
Over the past decade, we’ve worked tirelessly to create a better future for all by addressing taboo topics, empowering diverse communities, and standing up for human rights. Let’s take this moment to reflect on our journey and look forward to the future with hope and unity.
Iran Pride Logo - A circle around the map of Iran that is filled with rainbow flag colors

JoopeA & Iran Pride

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We are proud to announce that Iran Pride has become an official entity.
IranPride is selected as the best boat of Amsterdam Pride 2018

We Won the Hearts!

Aug 7, 2018
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First Iran Boat in Amsterdam Pride Parade 2017

بیانیه‌ی بنیاد ژوپی‌آ برای حضور در راهیپمایی افتخار در آمستردام

Aug 3, 2018
آیا از کسانی که برای هدفشان و حضورشان می‌جنگند و ابزارشان در این جنگ خودشان، صورتشان، هویتشان و زندگیشان است، برای قهرمان‌خطاب‌شدن، لایق‌تر هم هست؟

IranPride in Amsterdam Pride 2018

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We are participating in Amsterdam Pride 2018 stronger than ever…
JoopeA Foundation is aligned with EU GDPR pricacy regulations

GDPR & JoopeA

Apr 28, 2018
European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) & it’s impact on JoopeA

Summary of IranPride 2017 Closing Ceremony

IranPride 2017 Closing

Monday, 27th November 2017: JoopeA Foundation held IranPride 2017 Closing ceremony to close this chapter of IranPride and open the space for their participation for Pride Parade in 2018.

Here are remarks of this event in brief:

Member of EU Parliament fully supports IranPride

MEP and member of the delegation for the relationship with Iran, Mrs. Marietje Schaake has shown her full support for IranPride and LGBTI Rights for Iran in a video message.

“All Iranian suffer from repression, LGBTs are specific target; they’ve been imprisoned, tortured and executed. At the same time, social acceptance of LGBTs remains lower at times.”

Mrs. Schaake said.

“Equality is the principle reason why the Iranian LGBT movement wants to participate in the next Pride parade in Amsterdam. And I’m fully support this decision.”

She added.

LGBTI Policy Officer of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs speech

Mr. Mark Reichwein:

“When LGBTI people are not treated well, there is something wrong in entire society. Unfortunately around the world over seventy countries still criminalise homosexuality and in seven of them, there is death penalty for homosexuals.”

“This celebration of diversity matters and especially for those people, those participants around the world where they less fortunate when it comes to acceptance in their own society.”

Mr. Reichwein explained about the need for Pride Parade.

The ceremony in details

On Monday 27th November 2017, JoopeA Foundation (Stichting JoopeA) held IranPride 2017 Closing ceremony together with the representative of Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, COC Nederland, COC Amsterdam, Roze in Blouw politie, Human Rights activists, journalists, sponsors and supporters of the Iran Boat in Amsterdam Canal Pride 2017.

This ceremony started with the speech of Mr. Mark Reichwein, LGBTI Policy Officer of Dutch Foreign Ministry and followed by the speech of Elham Malekpoor Arashlu, poet and the core management team of JoopeA. Therefore, Raham Rafiee, founder of JoopeA gave a summary of the history of IranPride day and the background of JoopeA. After Raham, Faarjam, musician and composer performed his music. Iman Firouzifard, the core member of JoopeA News spoke about his story of Human Rights activities and also the projects of the foundation. The video message of MEP Mrs. Marietje Schaake has been shown and followed by closing speech of Raham and thank you message to all groups, individuals and organisations who helped JoopeA and IranPride.

At the end, Amsterdam Pride Organization and COC Amsterdam received symbolic presents.

Pictures of Iran Boat in Amsterdam Canal Pride Parade

First Iran Boat in Amsterdam Pride Parade 2017

Iranians took such a brave step forward in fight for LGBTIQ Rights and participated in Amsterdam Canal Pride Parade on Iran Boat for the very first time.

Iran Boat has been planning and managed by JoopeA Foundation since February this year and were supposed to be the pearl of the Amsterdam Pride Parade this year based on Amsterdam Pride Foundation. However, they were not be able to finish the track because of problem making of the Dutch skipper. While the message of the Iran Boat which are “being proud of who we are” and “standing for our rights” has been spread widely, this tumbling has brought too much pain and sorrow.

Amsterdam Pride Foundation has honored Iran team in Pride Week closing party and awarded Iran Boat a wild card for next year’s canal pride. A wild card let an initiative to float among other 80 boats without going through selection process and registrations.

Iran Boat while sailing
Iran Boat while sailing

First Iran Boat in Amsterdam Pride Parade 2017
Iran Boat participants

First Iran Boat in Amsterdam Pride Parade 2017
Iran Boat while sailing

First Iran Boat in Amsterdam Pride Parade 2017
Iran Boat while sailing

First Iran Boat in Amsterdam Pride Parade 2017
Iran Boat message “We stand strong”

Sorrow of Iran Boat participants after skipper left the boat on the side
Sorrow of participants after skipper left

Sorrow of Iran Boat participants after skipper left the boat on the side
Sorrow of participants after skipper left

Sorrow of Iran Boat participants after skipper left the boat on the side
Sorrow of participants after skipper left

Sorrow of Iran Boat participants after skipper left the boat on the side
Sorrow of participants after skipper left

Sorrow of Iran Boat participants after skipper left the boat on the side
Sorrow of participants after skipper left

Sorrow of Iran Boat participants after skipper left the boat on the side
Sorrow of participants after skipper left

First Iran Boat in Amsterdam Pride Parade 2017
Iran Boat while sailing

Raham Rafiee speaking in Pride Week closing party while Amsterdam Pride Foundation awarded Iran Boat the wild card
Raham Rafiee speaking in Pride Week closing party


Creative Commons License
JoopeA’s productions including but not limited to this post and pictures on this page are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 International License.

We support LGBTIQ Rights for Iran

Iran in Pride Parade flag

Eighth Iran Pride Day is approching and will be celebrated in all cities of Iran underground! Because of this important day for Iranian LGBTIQ, JoopeA Foundation has asked Human Rights organizations and activists to show their public support for LGBTIQ Rights in Iran.

This statement has been published on “Queer Of Iran” website which is Pride Project of JoopeA Fooundation in this link.

Here is the statement and signatures:


We support LGBTIQ Rights for Iran

Ten years ago, the existence of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Intersex and Queer people (LGBTIQ) denied by the president of Iran at the time*. While only three years before that two teenagers has been hanged publicly in Mashhad, Iran who have been accused of sodomy**.

LGBTIQ Rights movement for Iran has become more and more active through years. Yet, it lacks public support and visibility.

Hereafter, we, Human Rights activists and organizations, announce our support for LGBTIQ Rights for Iran publicly. We believe LGBTIQ Rights is Human Rights and every human is equal to another in their rights. Every human being should have rights to be who they are and not to afraid of coming out.

Issued by:


بنیاد ژوپی‌آرادیو زمانهسی‌او‌سی هلندایلگاسی‌او‌سی آمسترداماوت‌رایت بین‌المللکارگاه خبر ژوپی‌اسازمان رژه افتخار آمستردامایران‌آکادمیاآشکارسازی همگانیopportunity pointدوجنسگرااسپکتروماصل۱۹کمپین حمایت از زندانیان سیاسی در ایرانایرکوبنیاد پیتر تاچلچلتکهآویشنماناوبای‌کازدارما و مارتیاانجمن حمایت از همجنسگرایان آلمانرادیو رنگین‌کمانSecret GardenEgayptGALA AmsterdamAtelier de Ontdekkingمهمانی‌های راپیدوکارگاه بومی‌سازیclub Churchسه‌گوش ذرینWPMLGlobal Justice Institute MCC


JoopeA Foundation: Expanding Human Rights by focusing on LGBTI Rights for Iran and Middle East.

All Out: Bringing people power to the global movement for love and equality

Atelier de Ontdekking: Draw your passion

ASL19: There is always a way

AvishanX: Learn about sex in Persian

Bi’Cause: A mixed association, consensual reflection and information for bisexuals

Chelteke: Persian Speaking support group for LGBTIQ in Toronto

CFPPI: Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran

Club Church: Best divers club of Amsterdam who supports diversity movements

COC Amsterdam: Strives for the decriminalization of sexual orientation and gender identity and for equal rights

COC Nederland: advocating the rights of LGBTIQ around the world

Dharma & Martia: an international network that works on LGBTQI rights in Middle East

Dojensgara: Bisexuality in Persian

Egaypt: Arab LGBTQ Advocacy

GALA Foundation: Promotes the visibility and accessibility of the gay community in Amsterdam

Human Rights Campaign: Envisions a world where LGBTQ people are ensured of their basic equal rights

ILGA: Worldwide federation campaigning for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex rights

Iran Academia: First Persian online academy for Social Sciences and Humanities

IRQO: Defending human and civil rights of Iranian LGBT in Iran and diaspora

JoopeA News: Everything on Sexual Rights in Persian

Localization Lab: Supporters of translation and localization of Internet freedom tools

LSVD: Lesbian and Gay Federation in Germany LSVD

Maanaav: LGBTQ Organization for Iran

MCC: Global Justice Institute, Metropolitan Community Churches

Opportunity Point: Serves as a safe platform for information sharing and networking within the LGBTI community

OutRight International: Defends the human rights of LGBTIQ people everywhere

Peter Tatchell Foundation: Defends LGBT and other human rights in the UK and globally

Pride Amsterdam Foundation: Organizer of Amsterdam Pride

Rapido Events: Largest divers parties in the Netherlands who supports diversity movement

Radio Ranginkaman: Persian radio for LGBTIQ all over the Middle East

Secret Garden: Empowering LGBTI migrant, refugees and asylum seekers in the Netherlands

Segooshezarin: Make a better situation for LGBTQIA in Iran

Spectrum: A spectrum of projects connected to gender equality and education

WPML: Makes it easy to build multilingual world

Zamaneh Media: Independent participatory media for Iran


Names are based on Alphabet order.

* Ahmadinejad: No Gays, No Oppression of Women in Iran –
** Iranian teenagers from the province of Khorasan who were publicly hanged accused of “lavat” (sodomy) –

Support Iranian LGBTI Rights publicly


It’s time to come out!

Being a gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual or queers is not easy, specially in a country such as Iran. LGBTI have to go through a lot. Coming out is one of them which is difficult. It costs a lot even our lives in some cases.

But Iranian LGBTI are fighting for their rights. They stand strong, learn to be brave and come out even though it can make the future difficult. Because it’s everybody’s right to be themselves.

Now, we would like to request you to come out in your support for LGBTI Rights. We understand that showing your support for LGBTI Rights in public might be difficult better than anyone. But it’s the time to take this difficult step with your fellow LGBTI and don’t leave them behind. Because it’s not about a person or an organization, but about Human Rights.

Please review short statement below in favor of LGBTI visibility, sign it by sending your logo and url to [email protected] to join.

Iranian LGBTI are raising bravely to take this huge step of coming out in Pride Amsterdam. We would like to ask you to step forward virtually.


We support LGBTIQ Rights for Iran

Ten years ago, the existence of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Intersex and Queer people (LGBTIQ) denied by the president of Iran at the time*. While only three years before that two teenagers has been hanged publicly in Mashhad, Iran who have been accused of sodomy**.

LGBTIQ Rights movement for Iran has become more and more active through years. Yet, it lacks public support and visibility.

Hereafter, we, Human Rights activists and organizations, announce our support for LGBTIQ Rights for Iran publicly. We believe LGBTIQ Rights is Human Rights and every human is equal to another in their rights. Every human being should have rights to be who they are and not to afraid of coming out.


* Ahmadinejad: No Gays, No Oppression of Women in Iran –
** Iranian teenagers from the province of Khorasan who were publicly hanged –

We stand with Indonesian LGBTIQ


JoopeA has been joined the international coalition calls for public support to end increasing persecution of LGBTIQ people in Indonesia.

Link to main statement:

We appeal to the people of Indonesia and our friends and supporters around the world to help protect the rights and health of all Indonesian citizens by supporting efforts to end the growing mistreatment of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in Indonesia.

Our appeal follows several cases of human rights and privacy abuses over the last two months against over 150 men who have been unjustly detained, arrested and/or charged – and in two cases severely punished – simply because they allegedly had sex with other men or facilitated men to have sex with other men. The cases we refer to involve the caning of two young men in Aceh as well as two recent police raids, one at a hotel in Surabaya and another at a leisure establishment in Jakarta.

Our appeal also follows an anti-LGBT campaign over the last 12 months by government officials and conservative community groups in Indonesia which encourages this kind of violence, harassment and state-sponsored discrimination against LGBT people across Indonesia.

Firstly, the mistreatment of the men involves violations of natural justice, privacy and human rights not only in relation to the alleged sexual activity, but also in relation to forced HIV testing and the subsequent dissemination of test results to local media. These violations contravene not only many Indonesian laws but also Indonesia’s commitment to a range of international legal frameworks protecting the rights of individuals as well as members of cultural minorities.

Secondly, these violations threaten the privacy and human rights of all Indonesians. If local police are permitted to target one group of people in this way, then other individuals and groups in Indonesia are also potentially at risk of the same kind of treatment. If the law does not protect everyone, then ultimately it protects no one.

Thirdly, this campaign of persecution is also affecting the provision of HIV prevention, testing and treatment services to gay men and men who have sex with men (MSM). Fear of being targeted by police, other authorities and even neighbours is driving gay and MSM communities underground, making it much harder to deliver information and support to an already vulnerable group of people. This is a public health issue that should concern all Indonesians due to the growing impact that HIV is having on Indonesia’s health system.

Further to this, we note that the Indonesia Health Law (UU No 39 Year 2009) guarantees that implementation of health services shall be carried out with responsibility, safety and quality, and distributed evenly and non-discriminatively to all Indonesian people. In addition, the Indonesian government has a stated plan to cover the whole population with Universal Health Coverage (Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional) by 2019 with the following objectives as stated by Indonesia’s Minister of Health on 28/08/14:

  • To enable people accessing healthcare services without financial hardship
  • To perform cost contained and quality controlled healthcare services.
  • To strengthen healthcare services at primary and referral health facilities
  • To prioritize preventive and promotive measures in rendering healthcare services to reduce prevalence of diseases, lower the numbers of sick-people with efficient healthcare services.

Finally, responding to the plight of others with empathy and benevolence is an essential part of our common humanity. Imagine being subjected to the trauma and humiliation these men have endured, or the discrimination and exclusion that Indonesia’s LGBT community is experiencing, simply for expressing love or a gender identity.

The unwarranted treatment of these men, and the increasingly virulent campaign against Indonesia’s LGBT community, seeks to position LGBT people as ‘outsiders’ and a ‘threat to society’. However, LGBT people are just like everyone else – everyday people and fellow citizens who work hard to create a better life for themselves, their families and their community. As such we appeal to the people of Indonesia and our supporters across the world to join our efforts to ensure these men and all LGBT Indonesians are afforded the legal rights and health services to which they are entitled as citizens, and the compassion and dignity to which they are entitled as human beings.


  • Share this statement with family, friends and colleagues to create awareness about this issue.
  • Contact Indonesian government representatives or embassies to protest against the treatment of the men and the campaign against Indonesia’s LGBT community.
  • Donate to GAYa NUSANTARA ( or GWL-INA ( to fund their efforts to protect the rights of these men and to fight LGBT discrimination in Indonesia.



Persian LGBTI Rights Workshop

Persian LGBTI Rights workshop JoopeA & Humanity in Action

In preparations for Queer Of Persia (First Iran Boat in Amsterdam Canal Pride Parade) Humanity in Action Nederland and JoopeA hold “Persian LGBTI Rights” workshop.

There would be two speakers to talk about the history of LGBTI Rights and current situation for LGBTI in the Netherlands and Iran.

Workshop is in English with Persian translations

Date: May 11, 2017 – 14:00 to 17:00

Attending only through registration:

Workshop is free, including snacks and soft drinks.