Iranians took such a brave step forward in fight for LGBTIQ Rights and participated in Amsterdam Canal Pride Parade on Iran Boat for the very first time.
Iran Boat has been planning and managed by JoopeA Foundation since February this year and were supposed to be the pearl of the Amsterdam Pride Parade this year based on Amsterdam Pride Foundation. However, they were not be able to finish the track because of problem making of the Dutch skipper. While the message of the Iran Boat which are “being proud of who we are” and “standing for our rights” has been spread widely, this tumbling has brought too much pain and sorrow.
Amsterdam Pride Foundation has honored Iran team in Pride Week closing party and awarded Iran Boat a wild card for next year’s canal pride. A wild card let an initiative to float among other 80 boats without going through selection process and registrations.
JoopeA’s productions including but not limited to this post and pictures on this page are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 International License.
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