We are pleased to announced that JoopeA News (J News) has been re-opened.

J News is a platform to gather and re-publish topics on Sexual Rights in other Persian Media channels. Additionally, it publishes new articles on taboo topics related to Sexual Rights in Persian such as LGBTIQ, Women’s rights, Children Abuse, Children Marriage and etc.
J News was active from Sep 2011 to July 2014. Then it stopped to make redy for a more powerful and effective activity. J News has been re-opened since Nov 22, 2015. Archives are still accessible through this link: http://fa.news.joopea.com
This website can be a great help to whom looking for uncensored and reliable information on Sexual Rights in Persian from young adults to researchers. All posts on the website is public and free of charge under Creative Commons (cc) v3 license. Copy part or all of content from J News is allowed by mentioning the source. Copy part or all of media which has republished from other sources should be done by original source’s permission. For more information about J News copy rights please visit https://joopea.com/about-joopea/copyright/
For more information please visit https://joopea.com or follow them on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.
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